Exotic American Bison Hunts in Texas

Facts About American Bison:

Origin: North America

Nature: Wild

Weight: Male: 1,000 – 2,200 lbs (Adult)

Female: 790 – 1,200 lbs (Adult)

American Bison Hunting Season: Year round

Cotton Mesa Ranch Population: Contact us for availability

Best Bison Hunts Texas

If you’re looking for a unique exotic animal hunt that taps directly into the soul of American hunting, bison hunting bison at Cotton Mesa is the amazing expedition you’ve been searching for!

After a bison is down the work begins. A big part of a bison hunt is meat and our team is skilled and properly equipped for the job. Skinning and quartering a bison can take some time and our team works diligently to get the job done right. We also have local meat processor that can pick your meat up from the ranch and make great products like snack sticks, jerky, and more. 

Hunting these great beasts at Cotton Mesa is the adventure of a lifetime and a trophy hunt you’ll be talking about for years to come. Check with us today for our current bison hunting availability.

For more information on American Bison Hunts in Texas, contact us (903) 654-3416!

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Cotton Mesa Trophy Whitetail
9066 FM 3194 Richland, TX 76693

Phone: (903) 654-3416
Fax: (903) 874-4399