Explore Hunting In Texas With Blackbuck

Chase The Fierce Black Beauty In Texas Hunting Ranch 

Hunting is not just a sport or recreational time, it is way more than that for Texans. As everyone knows, Texas is the hub for exotic hunting. Every year Texas witnesses thousands of hunters across the states enjoying the hunting season here. If you are planning to expand your hunting skill by any chance, you shouldn’t miss the opportunity to visit the hunting ranch in Texas to explore the exotic hunts. 

blackbuck hunting in Texas
A selective focus shot of wild blackbucks grazing on the grasses at the Velavadar National Park

One might wonder what’s making the Texans so crazy about hunting? Well, you must take a look at the list of game hunting opportunities available in Dallas, Texas. 

Often hunters choose the swift axis deer or whitetails for hunting, some unique ones like us have a slightly different opinion – we go for a Blackbuck hunting in Texas. 

Blackbuck is one of the agile, energetic, and beautiful animal that is native to India and Pakistan but is now a primary attraction for hunting by Texas. If you have noticed the animal carefully, then the male dominates the herd which is also referred to as the “alpha male” which has a deep black coat color. This herbivore animal seeks their place in bushy areas of the wild and prefers the mild winters and dry summers of Texas. 

The special feature of a blackbuck is the long corkscrew horns. It makes the animal more fascinating for the hunters to knock down. One might feel that it would be easy to bag the blackbuck, but it isn’t. Within a fraction of seconds, the blackbuck would escape from your sight and you won’t know about it. So you need to be prepared with the hacks to knock down the mighty blackbuck for the day. 

Advice to beginners for Blackbuck hunting

  1. Blackbucks are extremely quick, so if you are chasing the buck then have the firearms and crossbows ready with you to immediately attack the animal. Get appropriate calliber firearms with you to get a sure trophy hunt for the day. 
  2. Blackbuck antlers for the rescue! If you are trying to provoke the buck and want to get the buck out of the bushes then this works better. You can avail synthetic as well real antlers from the market. If you have harvested antlers from the previous hunting trip then you can utilize that for the rattling sound.
  3. Vocal instruments – This is one of the popular technique by hunters  to attract bucks since ages. This would produce exact vocals as of the bucks, and notifies the antelope when an intruder enters their territory. It is way of flagging a warning signal to the intruder by the buck. This call is composed of 3 notes  – 2 short notes and 1 long note. By creating similar notes, you will provoke the buck and lurk them out of their territory. 
  4. Hiding behind the blind – usually hunters prefer chase mode for hunting blackbuck antelopes in Texas. But few hunters also want to explore the blind hunting. There are numerous blind options for hunting, however ground blinds opens up the opportunity for the hunter to locate and knock down the antelope. Note – stay alert and quite when you are set out to hunt blackbuck antelope, because they are extremely sensitive to the surroundings and sense your presence easily. So lurk the antelope in a smart way! 

Bonus Point – You can plant feeders or set up your blind near the water point for easy shooting. 

The best part about hunting in blackbuck antelope in Texas is you can get them around the year. You don’t have to wait for a specific season to arrive for shooting. You can visit Cotton Mesa Whitetail Ranch, Texas anytime to bag your antelope and enjoy the thrill of hunting with your group. 


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Cotton Mesa Trophy Whitetail
9066 FM 3194 Richland, TX 76693

Phone: (903) 654-3416
Fax: (903) 874-4399