Mouflon Sheep Hunts in Texas


Facts About Mouflon Sheep:

Origin: Islands of Corsica, Sardina, and Cyprus

Nature: Wild

Weight: 55-120 pounds

Mouflon Hunting Season: Year round

Cotton Mesa Ranch Population: Contact us for availability

For an all-out wild sheep hunt, the best in the west is hands down the mouflon sheep hunt at Cotton Mesa Trophy Whitetail Ranch in Texas. Amidst breathtaking landscapes, luxurious accommodations, and expert guidance, our mouflon sheep hunt is an unforgettable hunting adventure of a lifetime. 

This rough and rugged animal presents a unique and thrilling prey and it is not for the faint of heart! Mouflon sheep’s compact, short, squat form makes for a challenging hunt, especially as they naturally camouflage into their preferred terrain: mountainous areas with rocky slopes and cliffs. Their agility and skilled climbing ability enable them to move continuously and quickly through rugged habitats. Mouflon sheep are very keen animals, adept and practiced at evading predators and hunters, making this pursuit one for the books. Taking down a trophy mouflon ram requires precision, speed, and skilled scoping abilities. Our skilled guides will get you right up to the herd on 4-wheel drive UTVs or set up in strategically placed blinds but you may still need to be ready to navigate rocky terrain. Bagging a trophy mouflon ram speaks volumes about your determination and skill and is truly an impressive trophy. Their spiral horns and robust build make for a great mount, providing the perfect opportunity to regale others with tales of your unforgettable hunt. The mouflon sheep population at Cotton Mesa Trophy Whitetail Ranch is thriving and as with all exotics, the mouflon sheep hunting season is all year long. Book yourself the this memorable hunt and bring home an impressive mouflon mount!

For more information on Mouflon Hunts in Texas, contact us at (903) 654-3416!

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Cotton Mesa Trophy Whitetail
9066 FM 3194 Richland, TX 76693

Phone: (903) 654-3416
Fax: (903) 874-4399