Opening Day Hunting Tips for the Spring Season

Although we just entered the spring season, it is never too early to begin thinking and preparing for the opening day of hunting season. If you are looking to score a Texas trophy whitetail deer take these tips into consideration.

Prior to opening day, it is important for hunters to review the rules and regulations for the type of hunting they will be doing. Regulations and rules can change yearly, therefore it is important that all hunters study and learn the newest terms for executing a safe and legal hunt. The newest terms and conditions for hunting deer in Texas can be found on Texas Parks and Wildlife’s website. Once you are familiar with the guidelines, it is time to research and review the location for your upcoming whitetail hunt.

Finding the perfect field to shoot your trophy buck can be a time consuming task, but greatly affects the outcome of your hunt. Whether you are planning to hunt on private property, public land or your own land, it is important to visit different ranches. By visiting various ranches you are able to get a feel of the land, spend time in the field and learn about various hunting packages that we, Texas deer hunting ranch offers. It is always a good idea, when visiting ranches, to scout the animals on location. Scouting allows you to become familiar with activity, movements and habits of the animal you are looking to hunt.

Prior to suiting up and heading out to the field it is important to fully understand various concepts that greatly impact the success of your hunt. One of the biggest impacts that can affect your hunt is the direction of the wind. Prior to opening day make sure that you fully understand the direction of the wing and that ensure that the wind is to your face. When you are in the field scent control will be vital to your success. If you scent is strong, deer will be able to smell your presence and you will be less likely to shoot a trophy buck.  Deer have excellent sense of smell which allows them to easily detect predators. In fact the scent of a deer is over 100 times stronger than that of a human.

The last step that hunters need to take before opening day of hunting season is ensure that all of their equipment is in good condition and is usable. Nothing is worse than getting out to the field and realizing that you are missing a piece of equipment or that your equipment is in poor condition. Ensure that you are ready to take your first shot this fall by ensuring your rifle is in pristine condition.

When deer season hits visit Cotton Mesa Whitetail, one of the most successful hunting ranches in Texas. At Cotton Mesa Whitetail you will find a plethora of trophy whitetail and exotics. For more information regarding hunts and to schedule your visit today visit

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Cotton Mesa Trophy Whitetail
9066 FM 3194 Richland, TX 76693

Phone: (903) 654-3416
Fax: (903) 874-4399