Whitetail Deer Hunting Tips with a Blind

Hunting from a deer stand is an age-old Texas tradition. There can be many instances, when hunting from a tree stand simply is not a feasible option for your next trophy whitetail deer hunt. Whether you have experienced an injury that makes climbing a tree stand difficult or you have experienced a few too many hunting seasons and your knees simply no longer want to cooperate, a pop-up blind can be a great way to take advantage of a whitetail hunt. You might even be surprised to find that such blinds can offer their own unique set of advantages.


Among the most important of those advantages is that such binds can be set up quickly and easily. Also, due to their lightweight nature, they are also extremely portable, which is definitely an advantage over a tree stand. Depending on the type of blind that you choose, you may be able to benefit from not only concealment but also protection from rain and wind.


It should be kept in mind that you opt to hunt from a blind, it is important to realize that you will need to change your strategy somewhat. Whitetail hunting from the ground is not the same as hunting from a tree stand. With some advance planning, you can perfect the skills that are required to manage a successful ground hunt.


First, realize that with a pop-up blind, you will need to set it up in advance so that the deer have time to become acclimated to its presence. Additionally, depending on the design of the blind, you may also need to provide some additional camouflaging so that it fits into the natural environment. For this reason, it is usually a good idea to bring a pair of branch clippers or a small saw with you.


It should also be kept in mind that even though you are hunting from a blind, it is still important to practice good scent control. Even the best blinds on the market are only going to conceal you so much.


Recognize that a pop-up ground blind is not always going to be the best option for all hunting situations. In some circumstances, a portable blind can work exceedingly well. Learn to recognize those situations and use them to your advantage. For example, a pop-up blind tends to work well in a flat area or an area where there are few trees. Such blind also work well in grassy fields, creek bottoms, clearcuts, and waterholes. This is where scouting can prove to pay off quite nicely. If you have scouted ahead of time, you should have a fairly good idea of the travel routes that deer in the area tend to take. Focus on a location where you will have a vantage point of multiple directions.


Finally, try to set up your blind a minimum of three days in advance of when you actually plan to do any hunting. Ideally, it is better to extend that timeline out and set up your blind two weeks ahead of time.


If you plan to book your next hunting trip in Texas, then call us and we can guide you through the best possible blind options.


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Cotton Mesa Trophy Whitetail
9066 FM 3194 Richland, TX 76693

Phone: (903) 654-3416
Fax: (903) 874-4399